POLL: How would you describe your experience with cops?

I really want to know…

How would you describe your experience with cops?

If you would like to learn about how to bust the police and stay free in America, visit http://www.sovereign-family.net/ and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at http://www.title4flag.net/ and get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

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©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™

Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist





  1. mark says:

    Sorry it,s none of the above.
    THe only one that has any relervance to me in England is number1 and only the second part where you say they are not mentaly stable(fortunately ours dont carry gun,s YET,But do have Tasers which is just as bad if you got a bad heart condition like me.

  2. Right on man, thanks for the feedback. I dont know very much about whats going on in England, but its cool to find out.

    Do the police take Oaths in England?

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