Tag Archive for Cops

Should The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook be mandatory in police training?

When i heard yesterday that the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Department bought a copy of TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook from our site flag-book.com, this is the question i couldn’t help but ask. Especially when i saw that they had also downloaded the 3 free bonus items that came with their purchase, including an E-Book copy of The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook, a declaration of Sovereignty, and enrollment in the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course.

The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook, so hot even the cops are buying it

I couldn’t help but wonder what compelled them to order the book. Was someone in their county using our material to protect themselves against public exploitation? Do they think they’ll be able to study our material in order to “stay on top of the game”? Or maybe while gossiping around a box of doughnuts one of them, secretly desiring to know what all this “Sovereignty crap” was about, slipped away and placed an order for the definitive guide on being a Sovereign in America. Or perhaps the pigs are getting wise, and after seeing so many of their fellow public servants humiliated by free Americans who’ve got their shit together, they want to change their act so they don’t end up in any sticky situations.


The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook, so hot even the cops are buying it


Whatever their reason is, upon reading The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook and taking the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course they will surely never be the same again. This is no non-sense straight to the facts material that explains the Laws of this land in plain ‘ol ‘merican ‘anglish so anyone can understand it. Whether they change their act, or remain in denial of the truth, their bound to be enlightened. Personally, I believe every cop in America should be required to read this book before they are ever allowed to wear a badge or carry a gun.

But i want to know what you think…


Should The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook be manditory in police training?

For a limited time you can get a special deal on TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook. For only $17.76 you can get a copy of the book sent straight to your door, and instant access to the 3 valuable bonus items including an E-Book copy of The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook, a down-loadable declaration of Sovereignty, and enrollment in the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course. Just Click Here

If you would like to learn more about Sovereignty and staying free in America, visit http://www.sovereign-family.net/ and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at http://www.title4flag.net/ to get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

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©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist

POLL: How would you describe your experience with cops?

I really want to know…

How would you describe your experience with cops?

If you would like to learn about how to bust the police and stay free in America, visit http://www.sovereign-family.net/ and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at http://www.title4flag.net/ and get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

If you would like to follow my blog via e-mail and receive notifications whenever i post new cartoons, videos, or articles, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page.


©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™

Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist
