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TIP #3: Know How To Interact With Public Servants



Reject the queen’s english, it’s a trick! Many of the words you have been conditioned to use all of your life don’t really mean what you think they mean. This is one of the many techniques that public servants are using to defraud you, and most of the time they don’t even know it, they’re just following orders.

Here are just some of the words and terms you should look out for:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Born
  • Residence
  • Permanent Address
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Number
  • U.S. Citizen
  • State abbreviations such as: “MI” as opposed to “Michigan”
  • Zip Code
  • I.D.
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Driver’s License

The list goes on and on. The best thing to do is to always work around these terms, in a polite and assertive manner, because these are the terms they are using to defraud you and bind you into being under commercial jurisdiction.

Here’s a simple example:

Public servant: “Are you a UNITED STATES CITIZEN?”

Sovereign American: “I’m American”

You have now in a very simple and subtle way defeated their attempt to defraud you. At the same time you have not caused a fuss or drawn attention to yourself, which is something you never want to do.

Here’s another example:

A few months ago, i was traveling and happened to have some layover time in Venice Beach, California. My friend went to the bathroom and i sat on a park bench, watching over our bags, and having a nice conversation with a fellow spiritualist.

In the middle of our spiritual conversation, a police S.U.V. with two corporate agents inside rolled up, and the man i was speaking to waved to them as if they were his friends (NEVER GIVE THE COPS AN EXCUSE TO TALK TO YOU LIKE THIS). They stopped, rolled the window down, and said hi to him, being a Venice Beach local, they were obviously acquainted.

The police S.U.V. then proceeded to back up 3 feet, in order to be right in front of me, and then driver began interrogating me, a free living man on the land who was up until then enjoying a spiritual conversation on the beach, in an intimidating manner as if that was his right to do. Unfortunately, my camera was flat dead and i was alone (not counting the man i had recently met as someone i could rely on to help me in this situation. When possible, always use the buddy system.)

By that time, my adrenaline was pumping, being alone on Venice Beach, with no camera and two armed parasites who see me as fresh meat, trying to coerce me into defrauding myself so i can end up being just another one of their victims. But all this aside, i had to remember the spiritual nature of the conversation they interrupted, remember God, and keep my cool.

The entire time they were questioning me, i never made direct eye contact, and maintained the body language and mental disposition that i was in the middle of a conversation with my friend on the bench here, and they were interrupting.

The driver made some comment about how young i looked (how is that his business!?) and in a condescending tone, proceeded to ask me:

“How old are you youngster?”

Knowing their game, i paused for a few seconds, and then said:

“Well actually, i’m eternal…”

Please do not try that ever. I said this because this was the topic of the spiritual conversation i was having with my friend, and it is a true fact that i am eternal spirit soul which is never born or dead, and the age of this body that i am currently living in, is really irrelevant considering he asked me how old I am.

This seemed to set him back for a second and the cop in the passenger seat got a little flustered and, in a somewhat harsh tone, said:

“That doesn’t make any sense. What’s your DATE OF BIRTH?”

This is the trick! Only corporate entities can have a DATE OF BIRTH, and NOT living human beings. Corporate entities are under the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and are subject to MARSHAL LAW and HAVE NO RIGHTS. If i were to answer with a “DATE OF BIRTH” it would have been committing fraud which would be falling right into their snare.

After a few seconds of formulating the words, with Obi Wan Kenobi flashing through my mind (speak like a jedi, it works), i calmly answered thus:

“I emerged into this world, on (i told them my real time of nativity) .”

I then looked away, and with my prayer beads already in my hand i continued to say prayers and meditate on the Lords vibration in my heart. Right at that moment, being somewhat baffled, the driver said:

That’s when you set foot on this Earth huh, well o.k. then…”

He rolled the window up and they went on their way. The most important thing about this situation is not only how i dealt with them, but more importantly, how i did not let them break my faith, and cause me to stop thinking of God.

Public servants like to manipulate submissive people, so you must remain in your integrity and stand your ground, but never be confrontational, because at that point you’ve pretty much flushed your success down the toilet.

A good way to stay on top is to turn the tables and use the Socratic method.

Use them for their services when you need to, because that’s what they’re there for. To serve you! Don’t let them intimidate you or make you feel stupid, but if you’re not making any progress, consider it a sign that there is a better way to accomplish your goals, and move on. You can always charge them with violating your rights in the future.

Especially if you have a recorder in your pocket.

Follow my blog to receive a notification when i post TIP #4 where i’ll talk about how the benefits of modern technology can help you maintain your freedom!

Haven’t gotten the previous tips yet? Here are the links to tips 1 & 2:

TIP #1: Know The Law

TIP #2: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya

If you would like to follow my blog and be notified whenever i post a new article, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page, and enter your email address.

If you would like to learn more about sovereignty and how to have true freedom in America, check out TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook or become a member of the Sovereign Family Network.

©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist

P.S. You want to become a Sovereignty Press Journalist? CLICK HERE

TIP #2: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya!



I cannot stress the importance of knowing how to preserve your rights in a sticky situation, if you are ever confronted with these unfortunate circumstances.


Please do not think that you are so special that “they” are “out to get you!”. That is simply ridiculous, and if you think like that, you’ve gone off the deep end.

You are in harmony with the laws of Nature. You have faith in God. You are a good person (i hope). So act like it!

Don’t think about going to jail!

Don’t think about cops!

Don’t hide in your apartment!

Do not develop this weird hypochondriac like sickness!

Why think about smelly pigs when you can think about butterflies and waterfalls, or where you are going to take your family on vacation!

Yes, they are trained to exploit you and violate your rights, but only if you allow yourself to become their victim! They are called “public servants” for a reason people!

This may seem like a very insignificant piece of advice, but it may just be the most important for anyone who wants to live a free and sovereign life in America.

Watch out for TIP #3 where i’ll clue you in on how you should interact with public servants…

Haven’t gotten TIP #1 yet? Click here to catch up!

If you would like to follow my blog and be notified whenever i post a new article, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page, and enter your email address.

©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist

Should The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook be mandatory in police training?

When i heard yesterday that the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Department bought a copy of TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook from our site, this is the question i couldn’t help but ask. Especially when i saw that they had also downloaded the 3 free bonus items that came with their purchase, including an E-Book copy of The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook, a declaration of Sovereignty, and enrollment in the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course.

The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook, so hot even the cops are buying it

I couldn’t help but wonder what compelled them to order the book. Was someone in their county using our material to protect themselves against public exploitation? Do they think they’ll be able to study our material in order to “stay on top of the game”? Or maybe while gossiping around a box of doughnuts one of them, secretly desiring to know what all this “Sovereignty crap” was about, slipped away and placed an order for the definitive guide on being a Sovereign in America. Or perhaps the pigs are getting wise, and after seeing so many of their fellow public servants humiliated by free Americans who’ve got their shit together, they want to change their act so they don’t end up in any sticky situations.


The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook, so hot even the cops are buying it


Whatever their reason is, upon reading The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook and taking the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course they will surely never be the same again. This is no non-sense straight to the facts material that explains the Laws of this land in plain ‘ol ‘merican ‘anglish so anyone can understand it. Whether they change their act, or remain in denial of the truth, their bound to be enlightened. Personally, I believe every cop in America should be required to read this book before they are ever allowed to wear a badge or carry a gun.

But i want to know what you think…


Should The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook be manditory in police training?

For a limited time you can get a special deal on TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook. For only $17.76 you can get a copy of the book sent straight to your door, and instant access to the 3 valuable bonus items including an E-Book copy of The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook, a down-loadable declaration of Sovereignty, and enrollment in the Simple Guide to Sovereignty Free E-Course. Just Click Here

If you would like to learn more about Sovereignty and staying free in America, visit and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at to get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

If you would like to follow my blog via e-mail and receive notifications whenever i post new cartoons, videos, or articles, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page.

©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist


A week after visiting the FBI office across the street, we hadn’t heard back from them on the incident. So, we decided to go ahead with our next plan of action. To have the sponsor of the Sacred Family Temple ask the Tompkins County Sheriff to press charges for armed criminal tresspass, breaking and entering and terrorism for intimidating a civilian population. Here’s her phone call to the Sheriff’s department.


After an hour or so there was a knock on the door, and guess who it was, good old officer Hoyt! I’m sure he was happy to see us again. Turns out the Sheriff’s department sends out their minions first, before they’ll get directly involved.



I think we’re growing on him.

City of Ithaca Municipal Code

§ 215-9.2. Exceptions for religious, charitable and educational institutions.

Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to bar any religious or denominational institution or organization, or any organization operated for charitable or educational purposes, which is operated, supervised or controlled by or in connection with a religious organization, from limiting employment or sales or rental of housing accommodations or admission to or giving preference to persons of the same religion or denomination or from taking such action as is calculated by such organization to promote the religious principles for which it is established or maintained. Provided however, that this exception shall not apply to any religious or denominational institution or organization, or any organization operated for charitable or educational purposes, which is operated, supervised or controlled by or in connection with a religious organization if the same receives any form of financial assistance from the City of Ithaca.

Before you can stand up for your rights, you have to know them, and the best way to defend yourself, and your estate, against fraudulent foreign agents is to be fluent and educated in the law. Because most of the time if they’re out of line, they’re breaking their own rules and you can catch them red handed.

I will be posting updates with more information on this incident soon…

 If you would like to learn more about how to bust the police and stay free in America, visit and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at and get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

If you would like to follow my blog via e-mail and receive notifications whenever i post new cartoons, videos, or articles, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page.


©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™

Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist


City of Ithaca Municipal Code



After recording this video report, we decided not to take IPD officer Donald Hoyt’s advice, considering the way he tried to intimidate us. Instead, we went with our original decision to go straight to the F.B.I. office across the street and report the incident there.


Unfortunately we were not able to bring the Sovereign Copwatch cameras inside. However, four members of the Sovereign Copwatch crew were allowed to go inside to report the incident.

We were met by three agents; Phil, Dave, and Joel, who were suprisingly friendly. They got all of us chairs and one agent took notes while we gave our report of the incident.They suggested that someone may be trying to “scare” the members of the Temple.  Somehow, after reporting the incident, we ended up going on a 30 minute tangent about Sovereignty, common law, music, and crazy cat ladies. They even asked us if we worked for the C.I.A. at one point. As we were leaving they took down our number and told us they would investigate and get back to us within a week on the matter.

After leaving, we decided that it was not worth it to bother with the cop shop at all. Instead, we decided to let the F.B.I. take care of the matter. Next, the sponsor of the Sacred Family Temple will be asking the Tompkins County Sheriff to press charges for armed criminal trespass, breaking and entering and terrorism for intimidating a civilian population.

I will be posting updates on this incident until the matter is resolved.

If you would like to learn more about how to bust the police and stay free in America, visit and also, join the Simple Guide to Sovereignty free E-COURSE at and get on the fast tract to freedom, now!

If you would like to follow my blog via e-mail and receive notifications whenever i post new cartoons, videos, or articles, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page.

©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist