It’s time to wake up and start living in reality. I know it’s been a long road, and you can’t help but hesitate to take that leap, but you know you’re going to feel better on the other side.
Now, you have to make a choice. If you’ve read my previous tips, you already know too much to use ignorance as an excuse. You can either, stay in your comfort zone, and always wonder about the life you could have had, or, you can make a decision to improve your quality of life and own it.
If you don’t want to be taken advantage of and exploited by the public sector for the rest of your life, and you really, really want to have true freedom and security, now is your time!
Now is your opportunity to live life the way you want to live it, instead of living a compromised fantasy, that always seems like it’s never quite right.
“That’s exactly what i want! But i don’t know where to start…”
Look, if you want to be successful with this, most of what you need is in your heart. And if you ain’t got it, i don’t know what to tell you. You need to have integrity, determination, will power, faith, and an insatiable thirst for the Truth.
If you don’t have these qualities, you might as well get off my blog because your wasting bandwidth. But if you do, there’s just one thing your missing.
The missing link is knowledge. The right knowledge will give you all the answers you’ve been thirsty for for so long, and finally give you something to act on with all that determination of yours.
You’re welcome to search the four corners of the world and internet for all of this knowledge. But if you knew someone who had it all already, wouldn’t you just ask them?
That would make things a lot easier wouldn’t it? Well The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook breaks it all down for you. This book has been written and re-written over and over again, to ensure that you have an easy end entertaining learning experience. You’ll learn all the basics you need to know, to protect yourself, and your estate, from public exploitation, and live a free and sovereign life in America.

I can guarantee you one thing, once you read this revolutionary book, you will never be the same again. And pointing you in the right direction is the least i can do…
CLICK HERE to get to the book >>
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If you haven’t read the rest of my tips yet, here are the links to tips 1-8:
TIP #1: Know The Law
TIP #2: Paranoia Will Destroy Ya
TIP #3: Know How To Interact With Public Servants
TIP #4: Hit The Record Button
TIP #5: Shut Up, Be Quiet, And Don’t Say Anything
TIP #6: Put Your Eyelids Back On
TIP #7: Become Part Of The People
TIP #8: Get Your Shit Together
If you would like to follow my blog and be notified whenever i post a new article, just click the follow button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of every page, and enter your email address.
If you would like to learn more about sovereignty and how to have true freedom in America, check out TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook or become a member of the Sovereign Family Network.

©Jumpin Jack Ca$h™
Cartoonist/Graphics Designer/Artist